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  • BLS

Autopromotec 2022

BLS is at Autopromotec 2022

Bologna, Italy, 25-28 May 2022

The main international event for the automotive aftermarket opened this morning in the large exhibition area of BolognaFiere: the Autopromotec 2022 edition welcomes us from Wednesday 25 to Saturday 28 May, exhibiting all the best aftermarket tools in the workshop, tyres and everything related to spare parts and car service.

For BLS Autopromotec is an absolutely unmissable event.

Come and visit us, we are at stand 29D10.


BLS is here to offer the ultimate in Made in Italy and CE certified respiratory protection. We all need to protect what we hold most dear with the highest quality on the market.

Are you ready to explore the infinite scenarios of B2B networking together with manufacturers and professionals from all over the world?


Chart the way to the future with us. Come to Autopromotec.


Find out how to visit us

Access to the exhibition is free and reserved to Professional Operators of the automotive sector. You can download the ticket at this address. Four entrances are available: from Piazza Costituzione no. 5, Via Calzoni no. 15, from Via Michelino, or from the Rotonda Dante Canè.

Come and visit us, we are waiting for you.
Respiratory protection is a serious matter.


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