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BLS 500: the new Made in Italy certified beak masks

With a filtering capacity of more than 94% for FFP2 and more than 99% for FFP3, the new BLS 502 and BLS 503 masks are DPI without valves, CE certified according to European regulation 2016/425 and technical standard EN 149: 2001, able to protect users in the event of exposure to solid and/or liquid non-volatile particles (dust, fumes, mists) and to block the dispersion of viruses both incoming and outgoing. They are, in fact, sealed on the face and manufactured with a "welding” process, without seams and perforations on the fabric from which micro particles could pass, thus creating a barrier during exhaling, protecting the environment from the user of the mask. These masks are therefore ideal for use in the food & beverage and medical sectors, as well as in all work environments where contamination by the user must be avoided.

Thanks to its two-flap beak design, the mask fits different faces and is comfortable to wear and easy to store when not in use. The wire nose clip is positioned between the layers of filter material, designed to adapt optimally to the nose and eyes, while ensuring good visibility and maximum compatibility with glasses. Last but not least, BLS 500 masks are ideal for intermittent use thanks to being foldable: they can be easily stored in your pocket without getting damaged, preventing contamination of the mask, in direct contact with your face, before and after use.

BLS Webinars
Narvalo Urban Mask

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