Everyone has the right to a safe job
Our 2021 advertising campaign is dedicated to safety in the workplace, which has always been BLS core business and now not just this.
The year 2021 has forced us all to face a global health emergency, in which respiratory protection has played a primary role.
If until two years ago respiratory protection devices only known in industry and in specific sectors, today their use affects every citizen and it has not been an easy change, as highlighted by Pier Paolo Zani, CEO of BLS.
"Today, breathing is no longer taken for granted and we have found ourselves to be very weak from this point of view, both in terms of protective equipment and culturally and psychologically"
Campaign message
With the launch of this campaign in February 2021, we wanted to raise awareness not only about safety and protection about individuals in the workplace, but also of the importance of having a reliable workplace that can provide the stability needed to keep going, despite these difficult months.
Our 2021 message comes out of these thoughts, because we strongly believe in it: everyone has the right to a safe job.

The people who are part of BLS Group, our employees, have been at the heart of this project, since only thanks to them we have been able to react quickly and increase the production capability enough to face the pandemic.
"In February 2020 we suddenly found ourselves on the front line as we were one of the few companies that had the tools and means to enable people to live and work. We couldn't have done it without the people who make up BLS Group", Pier Paolo Zani explains.
The advertising campaign is aimed at all the operators in our sector, but also at the end users of our products: this is why it has been published on many communication channels, from advertising pages in sector magazines to booth layout at trade fairs and content published on social networks.
The campaign has been published both in Italy and abroad, in particular in France, Spain and Germany.
We are grateful for the group's investment and everyone's energy in making our mission concrete: to protect people and work for a safer future.