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Donning Instructions | BLS 4000next

Are you able to wear PPE correctly?

Wearing a PPE correctly is important in order to get the maximum effectiveness and the best performance of the product.


The purpose of individual respiratory protection is to protect the user from toxic or pathogenic airborne substances.

Its use, therefore, should always be preceded by an appropriate training about the correct wearing procedure.


BLS 4000next series

Here we show you how to put on the BLS 4000next series with bayonet connection. The silicone or thermoplastic rubber half masks, with drop-off system, are easy to decontaminate due to the simplicity of disassembly and reassembly. They also feature a low weight thanks to a thin facepiece, which has reduced the weight of the half mask by 25%. This makes it one of the lightest masks on the market.

To get the right protection, just follow a few simple rules.





























Watch our video now.



Below we explain the step-by-step drop-off procedure for wearing the half mask for even more comfortable use.


We also show below the step-by-step half mask instructions for disassembly and reassembly to ensure a quick and easy cleaning.

Watch our disassembly and reassembly video now.

Keep protecting yourself with BLS!





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