Our mission is to care about your breath, our vision to combine Human Tech with Human Touch... You just feel free to breathe.
BLS is in Paris at the international event dedicated to all risk management markets.
Expoprotection 2022 hosts almost 800 exhibitors and more than 20,000 professional buyers and designers. This event is an opportunity to meet the security project managers of tomorrow.
More than 110 countries will be represented at the fair and international visitors will account for approximately 20 per cent of the total visitors.
For this year's edition we will present our innovative sustainability project, BLS Circular Ecosystem, which aims to launch a new model of production and consumption by recovering production waste from our disposable products and regenerating it for new production.
Another unmissable innovation is the launch of our first IoT mask, the FFP3 R filtering facepiece compatible with the Narvalo Active Shield smart valve, designed to reduce moisture inside the mask and extract CO2 accumulated during breathing: BLS Zer032 Active.
Expoprotection 2022 will be open from Tuesday 15th to Thursday 17th of November 2022.
Our mission is to care about your breath, our vision to combine Human Tech with Human Touch... You just feel free to breathe.
Eventi di novembre Scopri gli eventi BLS di questo mese / FIERE INTERNAZIONALI / 15-17 novembre | EXPOPROTECTION 2022 BLS torna a Parigi in occasione dell'evento internazionale dedicato a tutti i mercati della gestione del rischio. Con quasi 800 espositori e più di 20.000 acquirenti e progettisti professionisti, questa manifestazione è l'occasione per incontrare i project leaders della […]
BLS è stata a SICUR! Madrid, 22-25 febbraio 2022 La più grande fiera sulla sicurezza in Spagna ci ha accolto a Madrid, per offrire il meglio in tema di innovazione e sviluppo tecnologico nel mondo del Safety. Se non sei venuto a trovarci, ecco tutto quello che devi sapere di questa edizione 2022. […]
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via dei Giovi, 41 – 20032 Cormano (MI) - Italia
Capitale Sociale | Share Capital: Euro 600.000,00 i.v.
C.C.I.A.A. - R.E.A.: MI 1186898
Partita IVA | VAT N°: IT12296780153
C.F. e Iscrizione al Registro delle Imprese di Milano: 07822320151
BLS IBERIA / Av. Pau Casals, 8 08182 Sant Feliu de Codines Barcelona - Spain
BLS NORTHWEST / Reeweg, 132 3343 AP H.I. Ambacht Rotterdam - The Netherlands
BLS DO BRASIL / Rua Alvarenga Peixoto, 307 05095-010 Sao Paulo - SP - Brazil
BLS GERMANY / - Germany
BLS FRANCE / 18 Porte du Grand Lyon 01700 Neyron - France