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February events | What's next

February Events

Check out this month's BLS events.



February 27th - March 1st | Sicur Madrid 2024

BLS will participate in the next edition of the Sicur event, to be held in Madrid from February 27th to March 1st 2024.

Sicur is the main international security event in Spain. Every two years it brings together public and private security companies, associations, and professionals in Madrid. Innovation and technological development are at the heart of this professional meeting that addresses global security in five major areas, with the aim of improving well-being and social development.

Join us and discover how BLS combines design, technology and innovation in the service of workers' well-being.

Per conoscere tutti i dettagli di questa fiera sulla sicurezza e dei prodotti BLS vieni a trovarci allo stand 4A07.


Feel Free To Visit Us



Статьи по Теме

Ноябрь 22, 2022 Focus | Serie BLS 4000next

Le semimaschere con connessione a baionetta b-lock Oggi il focus di prodotto si concentra su uno dei nostri best seller. Il dispositivo riutilizzabile per la protezione di naso e bocca con connessione b-lock, smontabile e rimontabile in meno di 1 minuto, che facilita pulizia e manutenzione. Può essere utilizzato in combinazione con occhiali di protezione ed […]

Октябрь 3, 2018 Fisp Exhibition 2018 - Sao Paulo, Brazil

BLS team invites you atFISP 2018 October 3rd - 5th, Sao Paulo Expo, Brazil | 1pm to 9pm stand 530-AThe event will bring together 700 exhibiting companies that will present the most modern news in the area of safety and worker protection.Find out moreWe are waiting for you!

Ноябрь 12, 2019 Corporate video

Our mission is to care about your breath, our vision to combine Human Tech with Human Touch... You just feel free to breathe.


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via dei Giovi, 41 – 20032 Cormano (MI) - Italia
Capitale Sociale | Share Capital: Euro 600.000,00 i.v.
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Partita IVA | VAT N°: IT12296780153
C.F. e Iscrizione al Registro delle Imprese di Milano: 07822320151

BLS IBERIA / Av. Pau Casals, 8 08182 Sant Feliu de Codines Barcelona - Spain
BLS NORTHWEST / Reeweg, 132 3343 AP H.I. Ambacht Rotterdam - The Netherlands
BLS DO BRASIL / Rua Alvarenga Peixoto, 307 05095-010 Sao Paulo - SP - Brazil
BLS GERMANY / Steindeich 1a, 25377 Kollmar - Germany
BLS FRANCE / 18 Porte du Grand Lyon 01700 Neyron - France
