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Focus | BLS 600next

Focus | BLS 600next series: the efficiency of a flat three-flap design

The BLS 600next series is designed to ensure an optimal fit for most facial physiognomies.

BLS 600next filtering masks can be used to protect the operator's respiratory tract from solid and/or liquid non-volatile particles up to 12* times the weighted limit value (TLV-TWA). The elastic harness fixed at four points, the inner nose clip and the sealing gasket ensure an optimal fit for most physiognomies. Furthermore, the availability of two sizes is designed to achieve the best fit test results, even in the case of small faces.



Let's find out more about the main features that make this filtering facepiece so high-performance:



Thanks to its three-flap design, the device adapts perfectly to all facial movements, ensuring maximum protection and efficiency at all times. The folded bottom flap allows easy opening of the facepiece without contaminating the inside.


This series is available in two different sizes, M/L and S, to perfectly fit all face types.


The nose clip, placed internally between the layers of filter material, adapts optimally to the profile of the nose and eyes, guaranteeing good visibility and minimising the risk of fogging when used in combination with glasses.


The elastics are made of hypoallergenic latex-free material. The addition of a backing layer allows the elastics to adhere to the filter body without the use of exposed metal parts.


The addition of the innovative internal structure provides robustness to the filtering facepiece and high breathability, while maintaining low breathing resistance.


The models in this series

This series is available with or without an exhalation valve.

The exhalation valve with low breathing resistance allows warm moist exhaled air to escape more easily and ensures high user comfort, making the filtering facepiece suitable for warm moist working environments.

BLS 670next : size S, without exhalation valve, class FFP2 NR D
BLS 670next: size M/L, without exhalation valve, class FFP2 NR D
BLS 680next size S, with exhalation valve, class FFP2 NR D
BLS 680next: size M/L, with exhalation valve, class FFP2 NR D


Visit the BLS 600next product page to download the data sheets and find all the details you need.

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FISP 2024
Préventica Lyon 2024

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