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Intersec Dubai 2025

BLS is at Intersec Dubai 2025

Dubai (Emirates), January 14th - 16th 2025

BLS arrived in Dubai for the third time at the international event dedicated to the future of security, industrial and fire protection.

Come and visit us. We are at stand 7-E18.



The Fair

Intersec Dubai, after last year's success in celebrating the Silver Jubilee, is preparing for a huge response again this year in its 26th edition.

Last year's event told a success story over the past 25 years, offering potential for growth as innovation in all our sectors continues to face new levels of threat and risk, and hosted 47,506 business buyers from 141 countries, including key government leaders, agencies and organisational leaders from all sectors.

Once again this year, Intersec aims to bring together those charged with maintaining national and international security, protection and the provision of state-of-the-art fire protection to discuss and debate new strategies and solutions. New technologies such as blockchain, AI and IOT that have a significant impact in the security and protection sector will also be discussed.

The extensive product range was presented at Intersec, divided into five broad product sections: commercial and perimeter security, national security and police, fire and rescue, health and safety, and IT security. 

The wide product range will be divided into five broad product sections: commercial and perimeter security, national security and police, fire and rescue, security and health, and IT security. 

BLS will be among the leading manufacturers of respiratory protective equipment to present its latest innovations and key products in the field of health and safety.


Trace with us the path to the future.

Join us for three innovation-packed days at the Dubai World Trade Centre from January Tuesday 14th until Thursday 16th January, stand 7-E18.

To find out more about Intersec visit

Respiratory protection is serious business.


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