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  • BLS

Sicur 2022

BLS was at SICUR!

Madrid, February 22-25th 2022

The biggest Spanish safety exhibition has welcomed us in Madrid to offer the best in terms of innovation and technological development within Safety.


If you didn't come to see us, here's everything you need to know about this 2022 edition.



We presented all the innovations made in BLS for individual respiratory protection.

We continue to keep up to date and certify our products with the latest European standards, because safety is serious for us!



Let's join forces for everyone's safety

With this edition we also introduced our new partnership with Yamaha Motor Racing, established in providing our customised BLS 512 masks for Monster Energy Yamaha MotoGP team for the entire 2022 season.







Thank you

We sincerely thank all the people who came to visit us, helping us step by step towards building a better and safer future for all.




Статьи по Теме

Июнь 9, 2022 BLS Loves Art | Urban Giants Festival

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Июнь 17, 2022 Product focus | BLS 8000next

La semimaschera pronta all'uso Pronta all’uso senza bisogno di manutenzione   Non serve montare i filtri. Non serve cambiarli. È una semimaschera che sa combinare la semplicità di un dispositivo usa e getta con l'alto livello di protezione dei dispositivi riutilizzabili. L'estrema facilità di utilizzo lo rende un prodotto veloce e unico nel suo genere. Questa […]

Октябрь 1, 2018 Colkim Expo Exhibition 2018 - Rome | Bologna | Milan Italy

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Società a Socio Unico
via dei Giovi, 41 - 20032 Cormano (MI) - Italia
t/f +39 02 39310212 / 66200473
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Юридический адрес
via dei Giovi, 41 – 20032 Cormano (MI) - Italia
Capitale Sociale | Share Capital: Euro 600.000,00 i.v.
C.C.I.A.A. - R.E.A.: MI 1186898
Partita IVA | VAT N°: IT12296780153
C.F. e Iscrizione al Registro delle Imprese di Milano: 07822320151

BLS IBERIA / Av. Pau Casals, 8 08182 Sant Feliu de Codines Barcelona - Spain
BLS NORTHWEST / Reeweg, 132 3343 AP H.I. Ambacht Rotterdam - The Netherlands
BLS DO BRASIL / Rua Alvarenga Peixoto, 307 05095-010 Sao Paulo - SP - Brazil
BLS GERMANY / Steindeich 1a, 25377 Kollmar - Germany
BLS FRANCE / 18 Porte du Grand Lyon 01700 Neyron - France
