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  • BLS

Full Face Masks: technologies

BLS technology for full masks

The technologies used to ensure maximum protection and comfort in BLS full face masks


The BLS full face masks protect the entire face and provide a high protection factor, higher than any other reusable device.


But what technologies are used to ensure maximum protection and comfort in BLS full face masks?





In BLS 5000 series full face masks, the screen protection in optical class 1* (EN 166) allows a panoramic visual field without optical distortions. A vitrification treatment on its surface makes it scratch resistant.

* Eye protection devices are divided into 3 classes according to spherical, astigmatic and prismatic optical deformations (EN 166). Class 1 is the best existing class. BLS 5000 series devices series have been tested according to the guidelines of EN 166.


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BLS 5000 series full face masks’ harness is fixed on 6 attachment points directly to the rigid frame so as not to deform the face seal. It allows to distribute the weight of the device evenly without leaving face marks.



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Designed to avoid visor fogging through the control of the cold and hot air flows inside the mask without perishable surface treatments.

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