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Ouverture du salon A+A 2023

BLS is at the A+A 2023 exhibition

Düsseldorf (Germany), October 24th-27st, 2023

A+A is the world's largest and most important event when it comes to occupational safety, security and health, which this year will take place in Düsseldorf, Germany, from Oct. 24 to 27 every day from 09 am to 6 pm.

Founded in 1954, this prestigious event has evolved into a global hub for business, communication, and information in this field. Parallel to the International Congress for Occupational Safety and Health, the fair covers all aspects of a holistic culture approach to prevention, from occupational health management and personal protection to workplace design and operational safety management. In addition, A+A is the largest platform for workwear and corporate fashion.

The leitmotif of this year's A+A 2023 is INSPIRATIONS FOR A BETTER WORK ENVIRONMENT.

Come visit us at booth 9B32. We are waiting for you!


The expo

The A+A, hosted by Messe Düsseldorf GmbH, a renowned leader in the organization of trade fairs and conferences globally, not only presents a comprehensive overview of currently available products and services, but also offers a focus on unique topics that generate great interest in the industry. This underscores the central role of the A+A as a development and innovation event in one of the most dynamic economic sectors.

The A+A fair in Düsseldorf has acquired the status of an institution that fosters dialogue on a global scale and promotes innovation in occupational safety and health. Its unstoppable growth and global recognition highlight the crucial importance of occupational safety for improving productivity and business success.



Main topics

SAFETY AND HEALTH AT WORK: People and their protection are a crucial issue for any future-oriented company. In addition to effective personal equipment, this also involves new technologies and individual, functional yet fashionable work clothing. Occupational safety and health affects both the workforce and the company, people and assets. People who go home healthy from work get more out of life and have more energy and motivation for the day after work.

SUSTAINABILITY:Sustainable governance while taking responsibility for people, planet and climate. These issues will be addressed by A+A experts in the context of the circular economy.

SOLUTIONS FOR THE FUTURE: New impulses will come out of the Start-Up Zone, putting young and innovative companies in the spotlight. Smart “assistants” will demonstrate their capabilities in the Robotics Park.

DIGITAL PERFORMANCE: Digital tools pave the way for an intelligent future of industry. These include solutions for digital process optimization, automation of purchasing, production and delivery.

NEW WORK: New worlds of work are constantly emerging. Digital transformation and communication technologies enable location-independent working and learning.

HYGIENE AND PANDEMIA: How can I protect myself and my co-workers and what lessons learned from the pandemic will shape tomorrow's prevention measures. Learn about approaches and products and hear relevant lectures at the Trend Forum.


Scheduled events

Forums, theme parks and special exhibitions are among the established elements of the A+A program. These are dedicated to particular aspects of the product and service range, highlight specific solutions for individual sectors and industries, and make knowledge tangible for industry visitors.

Find out about all the events planned: click here.

Come and discover all our products, booth 9B32

Experience tomorrow's occupational safety and health live.

Come to the A+A 2023 trade show.

A+A can be visited from Tuesday, Oct. 24 to Friday, Oct. 27, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Stop by and visit us, we are waiting for you.

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