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Expérience des employés : sécurité

The importance of employee experience on the issue of safety at work.

How BLS provides worker protection with its products, enabling companies to respond to the top trend 2024 in the world of work.


In the context of HR trends 2024, employee experience ranks high.

Companies today understand that customer experience is key to developing lasting relationships and generating repeat business. Equally, however, they are beginning to realise the importance of ensuring that employees are also satisfied at all levels rather than simply adequately remunerated.

Companies that are committed to promoting the well-being of their employees show a significant increase in morale and motivation. This helps to increase employees' growth and sense of belonging, recognising their key role in the company's success.

It is therefore essential to provide employees with the resources they need to prioritise their own health and well-being.

What is most often understood as employee well-being includes work-life balance, well-being, intellectual challenge, and personal growth and development.

However, while these are extremely important factors, there are areas where priority should be given to wellbeing in the sense of physical health and safety at work.


The ILO (International Labour Organisation) estimates that there are approximately 160 million victims of occupational diseases worldwide every year. The number of occupational disease reports registered by Inail in the first eight months of 2023 was 48,514, over nine thousand more than in the same period of 2022 (+23.2%). The increase is 32.9% over 2021, 74.8% over 2020 and 18.2% over 2019.

Important factors in the occurrence of occupational diseases are exposure to physical, chemical, biological and carcinogenic agents, including occupational exposure to asbestos.

In relation to exposure to such agents, a more structured approach to these risk factors needs to be structured and attention needs to be paid on the one hand to multiple exposures, assessing their interactions and effects on worker health, and on the other hand to micro-exposures even to multiple hazardous agents.

The adoption of the right PPE (personal protective equipment) is the basis of the protection and prevention strategy for these pathologies.

Protecting every worker is at the heart of BLS's work, and this is why we are committed to rigorous safety and the constant search for innovative solutions that help companies put the health of their employees at the heart of their mission.

The wide range of BLS products provides the ultimate in protection by responding to the individual needs of the worker and the working environment in which they operate.


Our products in use:

Protecting people is the value that inspires us! #safetyfirst

Learn more about what parameters define safety by downloading our Safety Guide.


Sources: Forbes, Terasoft, Qualtrics, Ministry of Health, Inail, International Labour Organisation.
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