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Sicur 2024

BLS is at Sicur 2024

Madrid (Spain), February 27th- March 11st 2024

BLS is in Madrid at the international safety and security event that aims to improve welfare and social development.

Come and visit us. We are at booth 4A07

Fotografia aerea di veicoli che passano tra grattacieli

The exhibition

SICUR is the leading international security event in Spain. Every two years it brings together public and private security companies, associations, professionals in Madrid.

Innovation and technological development are the focus of this professional meeting that addresses global security in four major areas:

  • Electronic security, physical security and security services
  • Computer security
  • Fire and emergency prevention and protection
  • Safety and Health at Work: Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

BLS will be among the manufacturers of respiratory protective equipment showing how it has design, technology and innovation at the service of workers' well-being


Join us at IFEMA Madrid, from Tuesday, February 27th until Friday, March 1st, Stand 4A07 - Hall P04.


To find out more about Sicur visit the website

Respiratory protection is serious business.

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via dei Giovi, 41 – 20032 Cormano (MI) - Italia
Capitale Sociale | Share Capital: Euro 600.000,00 i.v.
C.C.I.A.A. - R.E.A.: MI 1186898
Partita IVA | VAT N°: IT12296780153
C.F. e Iscrizione al Registro delle Imprese di Milano: 07822320151

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