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BLS 8000next: the new ready-to-use half mask is now available

The new half mask with built-in filters BLS 8000next combines the simplicity of disposable products with the high protection of the reusable ranges. It is designed to be replaced when
the filters run out and is excellent against both particulate and gases.
The shape of the facepiece offers a perfect seal without any unpleasant pressure on the nose or mouth of the user. It also allows high visibility and low interference with the visual field thanks to the lower positioning of the filters and to its compact size. Moreover, the new "drop-off" hooking/unhooking system with sliding elastics, allows to wear off and lower the mask, in an easy and quick way, without having to remove the headpiece, guaranteeing high compatibility with other PPE.

The quality of the activated carbons used for the filtration of gases and vapours meets high standards of safety ensuring excellent filtration performances. In fact they are produced without toxic additives such as Hexavalent Chromium (Cr VI).
An external layer ensures the protection of the filtering material from dirt, dust and liquids as well as the normal mechanical stress due to prolonged use, thus extending and preserving filtering efficiency and making the device safer.

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