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Donning instruction | BLS Zer0 32

Donning instructions | BLS Zer0 32

Wearing PPE in the correct way is crucial for maximum effectiveness and best product performance.

The purpose of personal respiratory protection is to defend the wearer from harmful substances or pathogens in the air.
Before using it, it is essential to receive adequate training on the correct method of wearing. It is also important to ensure that the wearer is not exposed to harmful substances or pathogens in the air.


BLS Zer0 32


We therefore present below the instructional video on how to correctly put on the BLS Zer0 32 filtering masks of BLS Zer0 series, our cupped FFP3 masks that fit perfectly to different physiognomies and ensure an excellent fit without sacrificing comfort.

BLS Zer0 32 FFP3 disposable masks score well in the Fit Test, which measures the effectiveness of the protective device directly on the face, ensuring optimal fit and effective protection.

To ensure effective protection, it is essential to carefully follow the instructions for use and to take the recommended safety measures.

If you would like to discover all the features and benefits of this series, please read the article dedicated to the FFP3 BLS Zer0 32


Visit the BLS Zer0 30 series product page to download the data sheets and find all the details you need.


Contact us for more information

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