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Focus | Serie BLS 500

The highly breathable FFP2/FFP3

BLS 502 and BLS 503 filtering masks offer effective respiratory protection in environments where the user is exposed to solid and/or liquid non-volatile particles (dust, fumes, mists).


The distinctive 'beak' design consists of two horizontal flaps of filter material. The flat shape makes the device extremely practical to use, even when it has to be stored. In fact, the flat shape of the filtering facepiece prevents contamination of the inside of the mask in direct contact with the face and is ideal for intermittent use because it does not spoil in the pocket. For the same reasons, it can be easily distributed via vending machines.


Horizontal 2-flap design

The face mask fits different face sizes and shapes, is comfortable to wear and easy to store when not in use.

High breathability

The breathing resistance is comparable to that of a surgical mask, and makes breathing very comfortable. A study conducted in collaboration with the Campus Biomedico in Rome showed, indeed, that this device, thanks to its design and its adaptability to faces of different sizes and shapes, allows low levels of respiratory resistance and seems to be preferred by healthcare workers during their work.


Dolomite Powder Test (D)

This series has passed the Dolomite Powder Clogging Test (TS EN 13274-8). Protective masks that pass this test provide complete protection for a minimum of 8 hours. Passing this test results in a 'D' label on the product marking, which means that the mask meets the requirements for dolomite dust clogging.

Dolomite* is a type of limestone and is used for acid neutralisation in the chemical industry, in watercourse restoration projects and as a soil conditioner. Dolomite is a source of magnesium and is used as a feed additive in livestock, a sintering agent in metalworking and a component in the production of glass, bricks and ceramics. (*Dolomite is a rock composed mainly of the mineral dolomite).

Textile elastics

The BLS 500 series disposable masks feature a durable, high-performance textile elastic welded to eliminate all exposed metal parts. Unlike rubber, the textile material achieves excellent compatibility with hair. Unlike rubber, the textile material achieves excellent compatibility with hair.

Without valve

The absence of a valve on the device provides an exhalation barrier, protecting the environment from the user. It is ideal in the food industry and in all working environments where contamination by the user must be avoided. For all non-valve filtering masks, a low level of respiratory resistance is a key feature and a non-negligible strength, because only in this way can the user reduce fatigue during use.

Single pack

Single hygienic packaging protects the filtering facepiece from contamination before use, allowing it to be conveniently stored and distributed in the work environment.


Access the BLS 500 product page to download the data sheets and find all the details you need.


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