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Mediterranean day 2024

World Mediterranean Day

July 8th 2024

Every year, July 8th marks International Mediterranean Sea Day, an anniversary dedicated to the protection and preservation of this sea and its precious ecosystems. The Mediterranean Sea, known as Mare Nostrum, is an amazing basin despite covering only 1% of the world's ocean surface. In fact, it is home to about 7% of the global marine fauna, with an impressive 30% of endemic species. This rich biodiversity is due to its strategic geographical position, linking the Atlantic Ocean to the west and the Black and Red Seas to the east, as well as the variety of its seabed, which reaches depths of up to 5,000 metres.

Il Mediterraneo era una valle arida fino a 5 milioni di anni fa


Challenges and threats to the Mediterranean

The Mediterranean Sea, which nourished the ancient civilisations of southern Europe and North Africa, now faces unprecedented transformations due to population growth and climate change. These factors are significantly altering coastal ecosystems and marine species. Only 9% of the Mediterranean Sea falls within protected areas and an even smaller percentage is actually protected. The need for conservation and protection actions is therefore crucial for the health of the sea and the coastal communities that depend on its services.

The Role of Citizens

Each of us can make a difference in protecting the Mediterranean Sea. Adopting responsible behaviour, such as reducing the use of plastic, participating in beach clean-ups, supporting marine conservation organisations and spreading awareness about the importance of the Mediterranean, are crucial steps to ensure its health and sustainability.

Mediterraneo, raggiunte temperature critiche | Wired Italia

BLS's commitment

BLS is actively committed to the safety of our sea and on days like this we want to emphasise how much the health of the ecosystem in which we live also has a substantial impact on our own health.
This commitment is also reflected in our brand's activities such as the partnership with ocean sailing champion Giovanni Soldini.

Soldini has always been committed to studying and safeguarding the health of the oceans, particularly that of the Mediterranean Sea where he has carried out analyses to understand the state of health of the Mare Nostrum. In this regard, he describes the Mediterranean as a delicate place because it is very closed, subjected to a very high human presence, heats up a lot, is shallow and has little exchangeability. The Mediterranean is therefore a hotspot of the global sea pollution problem.

Together we are dedicated to promoting and developing innovative solutions to protect the health of our planet as well as that of workers.

Safety at sea and in the sea

In addition to the safety of the sea, we also want to be committed to the workers who work in close contact with the sea. This is why BLS has decided to take new routes by committing itself to bringing protection and innovation to the marine industry.

Our respiratory protective devices aim to be a benchmark for protection against threats in the working environment, providing reliable and comfortable protection for operators during boat maintenance and repair activities.

To help operators work safely and efficiently, we have created a comprehensive safety and protection guide. This resource provides practical advice and guidelines for the correct use of our protective equipment, ensuring optimal protection in every situation.

In addition to the vademecum, a catalogue was published entirely dedicated to respiratory protection in the shipbuilding industry, offering a wide selection of protective equipment designed to meet the specific needs of the sector.


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To continue breathing pure air, we must think about the future of our planet.



Stay informed
Stay safe.


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