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Segurança em ambientes urbanos

Safety first not only in the workplace but also in urban environments.

Protecting ourself must be a priority, not only in the workplace but also in everyday life.


The worrying pollution values in Milan these days make us reflect on how the air we breathe on a daily basis can negatively affect our health.


Over the past few days, Arpa's control units have been reporting levels of particulate matter above the permitted limits in the Lombard capital. The average of Pm10 reached 57.7 µg/m³.
In January, there were 10 days with smog values above the permitted threshold. European standards only allow the 50 microgram limit of Pm10 to be exceeded on 35 days per year.

The Particulate Matter (PM10) is a collection of substances with a diameter of less than 10 microns resulting from motor vehicle emissions, industrial processes and natural phenomena. The current persistence of an anticyclone causes the phenomenon of thermal inversion, which, with fog and mist during the coldest hours, creates favourable conditions for the accumulation of pollutants. However, pm10 is also produced by daily activities such as cooking, heating, transporting goods or using motor vehicles. For this reason, the Lombardy region has put restrictions in place to try to bring the values down as quickly as possible.

Unfortunately, the risks linked to air pollution are not few: It is estimated that each Milanese inhabitant loses between two and three years of life due to exposure to concentrations of air pollutants above the WHO limit values. The association between high NO2 concentrations and hospitalisations for respiratory diseases, the incidence of asthma attacks and rhinitis problems has also been demonstrated.The exceeding of the limit values for PM10 and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) demonstrate the urgent need to improve air quality in Milan.

Pending structural changes, self-protection is essential, especially during urban travel.

Through its partnership with Narvalo, BLS is committed to providing the ultimate in urban protection by helping people stay protected on a daily basis, even when pollution goes beyond the limits.


Sources: la Repubblica, Will media, Comune di Milano, Milano today, Regione Lombardia, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Apollon, ARPA


Stay informed
Stay safe.


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