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The Health and Safety Event 2024

BLS is at the Healthy and Safety Event

Birmingham (UK), April 30th - May 2nd 2024

BLS is at the NEC in Birmingham to attend the UK's leading Health & safety event dedicated to improving health and safety standards in the workplace.

Come and visit us. We are at stand 4H74.


Birmingham, England - Intelligent Community Forum

La fiera

The Health & Safety Event is the UK's largest event for anyone involved in the management of a safe and efficient workplace.

With a packed programme of activities including seminars, hands-on workshops and exhibitors, the event attracts thousands of occupational safety professionals from the industrial, commercial and public sectors.

BLS will be present at the fair to show how design, technology and innovation can be put at the service of workers' well-being through its PPE.

Join us at NEC-Birmingham, from Tuesday April 30th until Thursday May 2nd, Stand 4H74.


To find out more about The Healt and Safety event visit

Respiratory protection is serious business.

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