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BLS 600next FFP2

New BLS 600next FFP2 filtering facepiece in two sizes

BLS expands its product range with the new BLS 600next flat disposable mask with FFP2 protection and two sizes



The new BLS 600next disposable mask, available with or without an exhalation valve (BLS 680next/BLS 670next), features a three-flap flat design that allows it to adapt perfectly to all facial movements, ensuring maximum protection and efficiency at all times. The folded bottom flap allows easy opening of the facepiece without contaminating the inside.

The device, equipped with an internal rigid core, which gives it solidity and high breathability while maintaining low breathing resistance, is available in two sizes: M/L and S.

The internal nose clip, placed between the layers of filtering material, adapts optimally to the profile of the nose and eyes, guaranteeing an excellent field of vision and maximum compatibility with glasses.

Finally, the elastics are made of hypoallergenic latex-free material and the addition of a support layer allows them to adhere to the filter body without the use of exposed metal parts.

The elastic harness fixed at four points, the inner nose clip and the sealing gasket, made of soft polyethylene foam and placed along the nasal area, ensure an excellent fit for most physiognomies.
The availability of two sizes is also designed to achieve the best fit test results, even in case of small faces.

BLS 670next and BLS 680next filtering facepieces are packaged in single sealed bags to ensure maximum hygiene and make them easy to carry with you, as well as to make them particularly suitable for placement in vending machines.



BLS 600next filtering masks can be used to protect the operator's respiratory tract from solid and/or liquid non-volatile particles up to 12* times the weighted limit value (TLV-TWA). In particular, they are recommended for protection from dust, fibres, fumes, aerosols in activities and sectors such as construction, cement works, foundries, sanding, grinding, deburring, powder coating, fibreglass cutting, wood dust (not hardwood).

Discover the available models and download the technical datasheet

Watch the donning video



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