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  • BLS events

Préventica Paris 2023

BLS is at Préventica!

Paris, May 23rd-25th 2023

Located at Porte de Versailles - hall 3, Préventica has been the national event, as well as the meeting place and inspiration, for all those involved in health, safety and quality of life at work for almost 25 years. 

You will find us at stand R39.

Come and visit us.



The trade fair

The fair is unique in France: 500 exhibitors - 180 conferences - 750 experts - 15,000 expected participants, including small and large companies, local authorities, public authorities, professional unions, etc.. In addition, during the three-day event, it is possible to participate in conferences, round tables and many workshops, which will provide an exceptional opportunity to learn, inform and be inspired on all topics related to health, safety, quality of life and working conditions, as well as giving an overview of the latest innovations.

In particular, during the three days, it will be possible to attend free lectures on

  • production and site safety
  • health and polluted environments
  • mobility and road safety
  • air hygiene, cleanliness and disinfection
  • prevention organisation
  • occupational safety

...and many more.


Over 18,000 square metres of innovation

Préventica trade fair offers you two large exhibition areas: on the one hand, equipment and services for risk prevention and, on the other, advice and support to improve the quality of life in the company and employee commitment.

It is now recognised by most employers that quality of life and working conditions are a determining factor for employee commitment and thus for overall performance.
In today's shrinking labour market, companies are therefore looking for the best solutions to retain their employees and improve their employer branding.

Préventica's platform and meetings allow them, throughout the year, to understand the transformations in the world of work and find the resources to best adapt to them.

A festival of innovations and solutions at the service of overall work performance.


L'innovation by Préventica

The Préventica Innovation Awards aim to reward those who innovate, who think hard, who ask questions and find solutions! In short, they highlight products, platforms, software, applications and objects whose purpose is to improve the health, safety, quality and working conditions of employees.



Préventica meetings are an opportunity for all companies to take stock of new work organisations and to use all available resources to improve the physical and mental health of their employees.


The event is free, register now.


Opening hours

Tuesday May 23rd 2023

9:00am - 6:00pm

Wednesday May 24th 2023

9:00am - 6:00pm

Thursday May 25th  2023

9:00am - 5:00pm


We look forward to seeing you.


BLS 600next FFP2

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