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BLS 301 P2 и BLS 442 Reaktor A2P3

New reusable P2 prefilter and Reaktor A2P3 filter

BLS expands its product range with two new filters for reusable devices



BLS 301 P2 prefilter is now certified as Reusable

BLS 301 P2 prefilter (code 8117008), which is compatible with BLS 200 series filters, can now be used for more than one shift, according to EN 143:2021.

As required by the standard itself, the new marking does not include the letter 'R': the prefilter is therefore marked as 'P2', which automatically implies that it is the reusable version.

BLS 301 P2 prefilters, in combination with all BLS 200 series gas filters (in particular, BLS 211 A2, BLS 212 AX, BLS 213 ABE1, BLS 214 ABEK1, BLS 242 ABE2, BLS 243 ABEK2 and BLS 244 K2 filters), can be used where there is a concomitant presence of medium-toxicity dusts/fumes/fibres. Once clogged, the prefilter can be replaced, thus extending the life of the gas filter.

Another case in which its use is typically recommended is spray painting: the return of paint would tend to quickly saturate the gas filter, making it unusable. Replacing only the prefilter, on the other hand, significantly extends the life of the filter in use.



BLS 200 series filters are compatible with BLS 4000next half mask and BLS 5000 full face mask, with bayonet connection. Both products are available in two materials: soft silicone or thermoplastic rubber. The half mask also comes in two sizes: S/M and M/L, to suit different physiognomies.

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The new BLS 442 Reaktor A2P3 filter joins BLS 400 series filters

Our range of BLS 400 series filters, with unified EN148-1 connection, is getting wider with the introduction of the new BLS 442 Reaktor A2P3 filter (code 8117005), for protection against radioactive iodine, including radioactive methyl iodide and radioactive dust.

This filter is recommended for use in nuclear power plants, including in decommissioning operations.



The filter is compatible with all full face masks with RD40 universal connection, such as those of BLS 5000 and BLS 3000 series.

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