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BLS Zer0 Flat Multi-fit mask

BLS Zer0 Flat: new multi-fit mask coming soon

BLS expands its product range with a new mask that provides comfort and perfect hold on all face types.



Each face has its own shape and personality, and in a multi-ethnic working world with a significant female presence, each face can be extremely different. The face is unique: it represents us, diversifies us and identifies us. Although we are all different, in critical conditions we all want the same protection: the best!

In response to this need, BLS presents Zer0 Flat, the multi-fit mask that provides comfort and perfect fit for all face types.

The flat three-flap design, nose clip, and textile elastics contribute to the perfect adaptation of the device to the shape of the face, ensuring maximum protection and comfort at all times.
The Zer0 Flat is the first series of FFP3 filtering face masks available in two different sizes: S and M/L, to perfectly fit all types of faces. The S size has been specifically designed for female faces.

Stay tuned to discover the new level of comfort and protection presented by BLS.

Watch the teaser video


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