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BLS Circular Eco System

The importance of sustainability also in respiratory protection devices

BLS products are made of regenerated material from selected initial scraps.


We have to think about the future of our planet in order to keep breathing clean air. The circular economy, as a model of production and consumption, aims to extend the life cycle of products, trying
to generate additional value by reusing materials and products that would have ended their life cycle.

The reduction of product-life-related CO2 is the first step on a path towards sustainability for BLS, which has always been involved in respiratory protection.

One of our priorities is also the optimisation of products, materials and resources through the use of recycled material, minimising waste and scrap. We are currently working to develop new solutions
for innovative management of the raw materials used in the production of disposable PPE.



BLS Circular Eco System

'BLS Circular Eco System' project comes to life in the university lecture halls of the Politecnico di Milano. The design cues, indeed, come from a master's thesis in Integrated Product Design with a focus
on the Circular Economy.

The thesis aims at the virtuous management of waste materials generated by BLS in order to achieve their revalorisation in its own or other supply chains. The challenge is, therefore, to optimise business processes and the resources employed by progressing towards product management from design to end-of-life.

Today, BLS is already working to reduce emissions related to scrap disposal and to feed production chains capable of converting scrap materials into secondary raw materials.

BLS's commitment to the development of a circular supply chain touches many aspects of the production process:
• use of regenerated compounds dedicated to in-house prototyping;
• processing of scrap for the production of compounds to be used for moulding rigid components in disposable masks;
• use of raw materials with a percentage of regenerated material;
• use of packaging and instructions with regenerated paper and cardboard.




Regione Lombardia has also believed in the company's project, awarding it as part of the 'Innovation of Circular Economy Chains in Lombardia 2021' tender.

Innovation and sustainability in all the company's choices: from the selection of suppliers, giving preference to those who use regenerated material in production, to logistics optimisation in serving European customers. In terms of transport emissions, in fact, the choice of suppliers in areas close to BLS's corporate reality represents the best compromise between emissions, distance travelled and delivery times, to the benefit of the environment and service.


To find out about all our sustainability and circular economy initiatives, visit us at stand 9B32 at the A+A trade fair in Düsseldorf, October 24th-27th.



We look forward to meeting you there!


Stay informed
Stay safe.


BLS 2000

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