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Earth day 2024

World Earth Day

April 22nd, 2024

On the occasion of the 54th World Earth Day, a shared commitment is being promoted between governments, businesses and citizens to invest in the future of the planet and end the use of plastics, with the goal of reducing their production by 60% by 2040.

This action is urgent to protect human health and the ecosystem, given the rapid proliferation of microplastics and their harmful effects. With more than 500 billion plastic bags produced last year and an exponential growth in plastic production over the past decades, it is crucial to take drastic measures to reverse this trend and ensure a healthy and sustainable future for our planet and future generations.



We are at a critical stage where it is no longer enough to think that we want to change things, but we must move on to concrete actions that yield relevant results.

This is why BLS is committed to actively contributing to actions and initiatives to save our planet through the BLS green project. But our commitment also translates into the decisions we face on a daily basis in our processes and production.

Through the BLS circular ecosystem the company is active in generating value through the reuse of discarded materials, thus minimising waste and scrap. The aim is thus to optimise business processes and resources employed by progressing towards product management from design to end-of-life.

We must continue to engage with actions that make a difference so that the earth too can be free to breathe.


To continue breathing pure air, we must think about the future of our planet.



Stay informed
Stay safe.


BLS 2000 launch
Sawo 2024

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