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Sawo 2024

BLS is at Sawo 2024

Poznań (Poland), April 23rd - 25th 2024

BLS is in Poznań at the largest international trade fair for labour protection, firefighting and rescue for the OSH sector in Central and Eastern Europe.

Come and visit us. We are at stand 24, hall 4.


Poznan: le sorprese di una città tutta da scoprire - Tempo Italia

The Fair

The event, organised in a biennial cycle, is an opportunity to present the latest achievements of Polish and foreign manufacturers of safety, health and work protection equipment.

The Sawo Fair is not only an exhibition event, but also a space to present advanced technologies in specialist rescue and occupational safety. Visitors can participate in thematic conferences and shows, thus contributing to the introduction of innovative solutions in companies and improving the quality of work and employee safety. Thanks to its practical meetings and promotion of good practices, Sawo is considered a benchmark in the field of occupational safety and ergonomic solutions.

BLS will be among the exhibitors at the fair as a manufacturer of respiratory protective equipment.

Join us at MTP Poznan Expo, from Tuesday April 23rd to Thursday April 25th, Stand 24 - Hall 4.


To find out more about Sawo Fair visit the website

Respiratory protection is serious business.

Earth day 2024

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