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ExpoMina 2024

BLS is at ExpoMina 2024

Lima (Peru), September 11th - 13th 2024

Libus and BLS will be present at the 2024 edition of the biennial ExpoMina: the international trade fair for the machinery, mining technology and new industrial technology sectors.

Visit us at stand E-189



National Geographic elegge Lima come una delle città più storiche al mondo

The Fair

ExpoMina is the largest and most important mining event in Peru in 2024, with over 16 years of experience. It will bring together leading mining suppliers and international delegations to discuss the latest machinery, technology and services that will be on display to the more than thousands of expected visitors.

The VI Mining Conference (CONFEMIN), the II Latin American Congress on Procurement and Logistics for the Mining Sector, the V Congress on the Maintenance of Mining Machinery and Equipment - MANTEMIN and the V International Congress on Mineral Processing - PROCESSMIN will also be held during the three days, and as part of the novelties of EXPOMINA PERU 2024, the I International Congress on Green Hydrogen and Alternative Energies will be held.

Libus and BLS will be present to exhibit their products. Don't miss it!

Visit the fair at Centro de Convenciones Jockey Plaza Lima, from September Wednesday 11th to Friday 13th, stand E-189.


To find out more about ExpoMina Peru


Respiratory protection is serious business.

Focus | BLS 5000 Series
Automechanika 2024

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