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January events | What's next

January Events

Check out this month's BLS events.



January 17th-19th | INTERSEC 2023

For the first time, BLS will exhibit in Dubai at the international event dedicated to security, emergency services, safety, policing and cybersecurity.

With more than 1000 exhibitors, 30,000 attendees and 5 key product sectors this event is an opportunity to to explore strategies and source technologies. More than 120 countries will be represented at the fair and more than 10000 products and services will be presented in more than 10 country pavillions.

The exhibition will be held at the Dubai World Trade Centre (DWTC) and will be staged under the theme Integrated Tech for Global Security: Protection, Disruption, Sustainability.

The opening hours during the show dates are from 10 am to 6 pm.

Registering is easy by purchasing your visitor badge: to do so click here.



This 3-day event will feature content for the complete ecosystem of emergency services, security and safety all under one roof. Addressing the sector’s most vital issues and opportunities, the 3-day content will feature:

  • Security Leaders’ Summit (invite-only)
  • Cybersecurity Conference
  • Safety & Health Seminar
  • Fire & Rescue Conference


Events & show features

Intersec 2023 brings to you a selection of new activations on and off the show floor through the 3 days. Find out what's new this year - show features including:

  • Attack Zone
  • The Cyber Zone
  • Safety Walk
  • Tech Stage
  • The Premium Club
  • Start Smart Zone
  • Intersec Awards 2023


To learn all the details about this expo and all the BLS product offerings, keep following us and visit us at booth 2-D16.


Feel Free To Visit Us


Intersec 2023

Статьи по Теме

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