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BLS 2000 won Delta Awards 2024

BLS 2000 series wins Delta awards,2024

The Delta Awards, presented by ADI-FAD, recognise the work of national and international designers and companies to celebrate excellence in industrial design.


Since 1961 in Spain, the Delta Awards are conferred by the ADI-FAD, the Association for the Promotion of Arts and Industrial Design, to highlight the work of both Spanish and international designers and companies. The Delta Awards excellence in design and emphasise its importance as the main tool for creating wealth in an industrial economy, as well as highlighting its role as an expression of our culture. Industrial design is the process that shapes the multitude of anonymous objects we live with every day and makes them possible. Behind each of them are professionals who have worked responsibly, taking into account the user, production processes, applied creativity and competitiveness, but also companies that have invested in design as a strategic value

The award-winning products, including the BLS 2000 series, not only meet criteria of ethical responsibility towards individuals, society and the environment, but also represent the tangible and intangible culture of an era.

The Delta Prizes contribute to documenting and valorising this heritage in Catalonia and Spain. In its 62-year history, 41 editions have been held, alternating between annual and biennial competitions. The constant objective is to recognise and promote innovative products, with formal validity, functional and aesthetic relevance, environmental sustainability, positive social impact, quality production processes and appropriate use of technologies and materials.




This edition offered 10 product categories in which to participate: complements and tools, design for food, digital devices, design for the body, outdoor equipment, indoor equipment, lighting, mobility, packaging, materials and construction elements.

The BLS 2000 series won in the first category, complements and tools, which includes products and accessories for the habitat and other office and leisure spaces, objects and crafts, stationery, tools and utensils, small machines, household appliances and musical instruments.

BLS 2000 is the most recent whole mask series in the BLS product family. It features a universal connection RD40, a face seal and an internal rubber thermoplastic oronasal that form a single body. It has an anti-condensation system that prevents fogging through airflow control and a double exhalation valve to reduce breathing resistance, as well as a phonic membrane to improve communication. The 6-point harness ensures even pressure distribution for greater comfort. The BLS 2150V model, with glass visor laminated with anti-fragmentation EVA, offers enhanced chemical resistance.



We are proud to have received this award as BLS Iberia: an award that celebrates industrial design as the process that shapes the multitude of anonymous objects we live with every day and that recognises that behind each one of them are professionals who have worked responsibly, taking into account the user, production processes, applied creativity and competitiveness, but also companies that have invested in design as a strategic value.


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