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Projet Generation Sea

GenerAzione Mare: the gift from BLS to save the sea.

This year at Christmas let's think about saving the sea. Our future depends on the health of the oceans and BLS wants to make a gift to support the WWF-sponsored GenerAction Sea project: a donation in your name.


Our future depends on the health of the oceans.

Our donation to the GenerAzione Mare campaign is a concrete act to help our wonderful Mediterranean Sea and the precious biodiversity that populates it.

The campaign involves and activates sea communities, citizens, companies and institutions to defend the Mediterranean's Blue Capital. The objectives include: the extension of Marine Protected Areas; the promotion of 100% effective management of marine space; increasing the sustainability of fishing through the implementation of the Regional Action Plan for small-scale fishing in Italy; the protection of endangered species; and the removal of plastics and ghost gear from beaches and seabeds.

See the GenerAzione Mare project 

We at BLS are aware of the importance of sustainability and for years have been committed to producing according to the principles of the circular economy, the economic model based on reusing and recycling materials in continuous production cycles.

If we want to maintain a long-term vision, and leave a legacy for future generations, we have to think about the environment.

We must save the sea.


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Capital social : 600 000,00 euros i.v.
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N° de TVA : IT12296780153
Code fiscal et inscription au registre des sociétés de Milan : 07822320151

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