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Coronavirus 2019-nCoV: una maschera può proteggere?

Our experience in the production of respiratory protection devices makes us give an affirmative answer. Probably also in the case of 2019-nCoV, and with high probability in the less aggressive Coronaviruses, more common in our country.

Starting from our experience, we recommend three virtuous behaviours to protect against these viruses.

For preventive protection, it is advisable to wear disposable masks with at least the FFP2 protection level. The FFP2 filtering facepiece is suitable for protection from solid and/or non-volatile liquid particles. As an example, in our production are the masks BLS 128B/128BW, BLS 728, BLS 828.

To reduce the spread of the virus, infected people should wear disposable masks with protection level FFP2 or FFP3 without an exhalation valve. When dealing with infected people, we recommend disposable masks with protection level FFP2 or FFP3, preferably without an exhalation valve. Still as an example, in our production are the masks BLS 128B/128BW, BLS 728, BLS 828, BLS Zer030NV.

A final tip, certainly not in importance, is that a protective device is useless if it does not fit the face and is not worn correctly. Therefore, when wearing a respiratory protection device, you must always make sure that it fits on the face to guarantee an optimal seal: read the donning instructions.

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