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Risk management

Risk management in Respiratory protection

When not all hazards can be eliminated in a given work environment, the risk present must be minimised. How?



This operation is part of the so-called "risk management" process, i.e. the complex process aimed at identifying, monitoring and then managing the possibility of an event that potentially causes negative effects on the company.




The risk management process usually involves several steps, which are listed below.

  • Risk identification: determination of potential events that would lead to risk occurrences and definition of risk factors (variables to be observed in order to prevent the hazard).
  • Risk assessment: analysis and evaluation of the probability with which a risk may occur starting from the previously identified risks, with subsequent determination of the effects on people, things and the environment.
  • Risk response - planning of prevention and protection actions against the analysed risk events.


Risk management

In order to manage the risk in the best possible way and to reduce its potential to a minimum, therefore, some specific measures must be taken, such as those described below.

  1. Replace hazardous substances with non-hazardous or less hazardous ones.
  2. Eliminate emission sources of dangerous substances.
  3. Use collective protection devices (hoods, filtration systems, etc.).
  4. Confine the use of contaminants to isolated areas.
  5. If it is not possible to eliminate hazardous substances, reduce the amount of use to a minimum.
  6. Limit exposure to hazardous substances to as little time and as few operators as possible.
  7. Install alarm systems for the escape of dangerous substances.
  8. Ensure good cleaning conditions.


Stay informed, stay safe.


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