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January events | What's next

January Events

Check out this month's BLS events.



January 16th - 18th | Intersec Dubai

We are excited to announce that we will participate in the next edition of the Intersec Fair, which will be held at the Dubai World Trade Center from January 16th to January 18th 2024. This year, the fair celebrates its 25th anniversary and promises to be an extraordinary event.

As the world's leading trade fair for the security and safety sectors, the next edition of Intersec will bring together over 45,000 global security  professionals and accelerate conversations to explore strategies and technologies for the challenges faced by global security leaders and practitioners promoting bilateral trade, commerce and innovation across borders.

Join us and discover the future of security. It will be an extraordinary opportunity to deepen your professional connections and stay abreast of the latest industry trends.

For full details of this safety exhibition and BLS products visit us at stand 7E18.



Jenuary 31st - February 3rd | Fieragricola

We will also be present in Verona from January 31st to February 3rd for the 116th edition of the international agricultural exhibition (Fieragricola).

The event, founded in 1898, aims to grow, not only in terms of exhibition, but above all in terms of innovation, business and training, enhancing the formula that embraces transversality and exhibition verticalization. This will be the soul of Fieragricola 2024.

Come and discover our products at stand 5G5.

Feel Free To Visit Us



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juni 30, 2020 Narvalo Urban Mask

The first IoT anti-smog facemask that communicates with your smartphone.A new concept of urban mobility with greater attention and awareness on the air we breathe. This is the promise of Narvalo Urban Mask, the FFP3 anti-smog and anti virus facemask that communicates with a dedicated app, monitoring the quality of the air in the environment around us. Made entirely in Italy, the idea of this facemask was conceived at the Polytechnic University of Milan School of Design, developed under the PoliHub Innovation District & Start-up Accelerator’s Switch2Product programme, and realized in collaboration with BLS.

april 28, 2024 International Day for Safety and Health at Work

Giornata internazionale della sicurezza sul lavoro 28 aprile 2024 Il Diritto al lavoro e la tutela del lavoro sono principi cardine della nostra Costituzione, ma in Italia il numero degli infortuni, talvolta fatali, e delle malattie professionali rimane inaccettabilmente alto. È un dato che ci interpella profondamente: il lavoro non dovrebbe mettere a rischio la […]

december 23, 2022 BLS vi augura buone feste

Siamo orgogliosi di tutto ciò che ha accompagnato BLS nell'arco di questo 2022 Abbiamo ripercorso con voi gli eventi principali di questo anno passato e i momenti che hanno valorizzato la partnership condivisa con il team di Monster Energy Yamaha MotoGP. Ringraziamo di cuore tutte le persone che ci hanno supportato e vi auguriamo buone […]


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via dei Giovi, 41 – 20032 Cormano (MI) - Italia
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Partita IVA | VAT N°: IT12296780153
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BLS IBERIA / Av. Pau Casals, 8 08182 Sant Feliu de Codines Barcelona - Spain
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BLS FRANCE / 18 Porte du Grand Lyon 01700 Neyron - France
