November Events
Check out this month's BLS events.
November 5th - 7th | Expo Protection 2024
BLS will participate in the next edition of Expo Protection in Paris, France, from November 5th to 7th.
Expo Protection is the international exhibition for risk prevention and management. This event allows industry professionals to discover first-hand the trends and innovations in the market, meet top experts and select the best solutions to protect people and organisations from the full spectrum of risks and threats they face.
BLS will be present to exhibit its designs and products, come and visit us at stand T036.
November 6th - 10th | EIMA 2024
We will also be present, from November 6th to 10th in Bologna, Italy, at EIMA International 2024, the International Exhibition of Machinery for Agriculture and Gardening
The exhibition allows a huge audience of professional visitors - for whom the first two days of the exhibition are reserved - and amateurs to immediately focus on the sectors of interest and thus better organise their visit. The Exhibition, organised in 14 product sectors and also articulated in the specialised salons of EIMA Componenti, EIMA Green, EIMA Energy, EIMA Idrotech and EIMA Digital, is attended directly by manufacturers from every continent, presenting the cutting-edge technologies of the sector at world level.
BLS will participate in the exhibition by bringing PPE that provides constant protection for workers in the agricultural sector.
Visit us, stand B26 - hall 37.
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