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2022-23 ADV Campaign

New Campaign 2022-23


Every day we take care of your breath, because safety in the workplace for us is an essential principle.

Safety, work, commitment. These are the foundations of the communication project, launched in 2021, which this year features real people talking about their daily experience in the workplace.



'Never Stop Breathing' is the new campaign that will involve a variety of workers from all over Europe, working in different sectors.

The project, which aims to be a safety manifesto through the stories of its protagonists, who also face high-risk situations, will lead us to discover how breathing safety is not a given for everyone.

As the first subject we chose Massimo "Maio" Meregalli, Team Director of the Monster Energy Yamaha MotoGp Team, who was MotoGp World Champion in 2021.



01 The story of Massimo "Maio" Meregalli

Team Director | Monster Energy Yamaha MotoGP

Massimo 'Maio' Meregalli, as he likes to remember, entered the racing world in the coolest way: as a rider. He gained his international experience riding a Yamaha, with which he raced from 1991 to 2001. At the end of his racing career, his path in the world of motorcycling continued by joining the Yamaha team.

From 2020 he is the Team Director of Monster Energy Yamaha MotoGP, where he confirms his managerial skills and becomes aware of the centrality of the safety issue.

With him Yamaha is MotoGP World Champion in 2021 with Fabio Quartararo riding the Yamaha YZR-M1.

What do we have in common with the Monster Energy Yamaha MotoGP team?

Here at BLS Group, we are champions in safety. We have always been at the forefront of providing maximum protection for those using our PPE. Breathing quality is our cornerstone. We rise to every challenge to provide the best for everyone's respiratory health. The pandemic has touched the heart of our work: freedom to breathe. Our products have found themselves at the centre of people's interest. This makes us aware of the value of our work and the responsibility we have as a company.



Watch again the Teaser Video of this Campaign and read the related article: 2022-23 ADV Campaign teaser.

Our passion is commitment and teamwork. We share a lot with our partners. Keep following us to see the next releases of this campaign!

Do not miss them!



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