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2023 Frost & Sullivan New Product Innovation Award

BLS wins Frost & Sullivan's New Product Innovation Award 2023

European Respiratory PPE Industry

Excellence in Best Practices

Frost & Sullivan is a Growth Pipeline Company™ with more than 60 years of experience assisting organisations of all types and sizes on 6 continents with the aim of driving growth through the validation of best practices.

Frost & Sullivan's New Product Innovation Award recognises the company that delivers a new product or solution that uniquely addresses key customer challenges.

For the award, Frost & Sullivan analysts independently evaluate products through the following criteria:


BLS Group excels in many of the criteria in the European respiratory PPE sector.

FFP2 and FFP3 industrial respirators, while effective, create several problems for the wearer.  End-users often face respiratory discomfort due to an inadequate fit. Ill-fitting masks and trapped exhaled air produce heat and moisture, resulting in respiratory resistance, fatigue and reduced work efficiency. In addition, it can be difficult for end-users to determine when filters are clogged, thus risking compromising protection. Faced with these challenges, Frost & Sullivan recognises how an IoT-based valve could revolutionise single-use respirators.

In 2022, BLS Group and Narvalo, a start-up and spin-off of the Politecnico di Milano, launched the BLS Zer0 32 Active series FFP3 mask, a series of disposable respirators equipped with the Narvalo Active Shield valve, an IoT-enabled removable and reusable exhalation device that provides comfortable breathing and reduced heat and humidity. The added value of increased comfort is the first objective; in addition, an app is being developed that integrates the comfort provided by the valve with a valuable function: the app, connected to the AS via BT technology, is able to track the use of the disposable mask during the work shift. This feature is designed to support Safety Managers who, according to European Regulation 2016/425, are required to monitor and track PPE in use.

BLS is moving from the traditional concept of selling PPE to a more comprehensive product/service concept.

"BLS Group's ZerO 32 Active series FFP3 respirator features a removable, smart Narvalo Active Shield valve. The respirator offers the benefits of bothe disposable and non-disposable half-faced masks for protection against dust • particles. Since studies demonstrate that wearer comfort is a major factor for enhanced compliance, the Zer032 Active series FFP3 is designed for wearer comfort and will aid in enhanced compliance amongst workers."
-⁠ ⁠Ruchira Yadav
Senior Research Analyst

The innovative single-use respirator technology is unique and, as of 2023, research by Frost & Sullivan confirms that no other competitor will offer a similar product.



The BLS Zer0 32 Active FFP3 series respirator offers optimal comfort and easy breathing thanks to its intelligent exhalation valve, which is particularly beneficial for workers in extreme environments, such as foundries and mines.


BLS Group's Zer0 32 Active respirator from the FFP3 series differentiates itself in the European disposable respirator market thanks to its innovative technology, which improves worker comfort and compliance, incorporating an intelligent and removable Narvalo Active Shield valve.


The BLS Zer0 32 Active FFP3 respirator with the Narvalo Active Shield valve offers a unique level of protection that complies with the EN 149 standard, which is unsurpassed in the European disposable respirator market.

Price/performance value

The competitive cost of the Zer0 32 Active FFP3 respirator is comparable, if not better, than high-end competitors, while the Active Shield offers added value, with the company's intention to further reduce the price due to economies of scale.

Brand equity

BLS Group is committed to developing a comprehensive ecosystem for worker safety, integrating the IoT-based Narvalo Active Shield valve with the FFP3 respirator, supporting the concept of the connected worker, and fostering a culture of continuous improvement through academic collaborations and sustainability initiatives such as the BLS Circular Eco System project, to emerge as a leader in the industry.



The Zer0 32 Active series FFP3 respirator with Narvalo Active Shield valve, a BLS Group product, represents a major leap forward in the respiratory protective equipment market due to its increased comfort, breathability, fit and safety for the end user. This innovative solution, combining technology with disposable respirators, demonstrates BLS Group's dedication to research and development, also evident in its collaborations with the academic world. The company's strong focus on sustainability improves brand acceptance and enhances brand equity, strengthening its position as a key player in the industry.

Thanks to its excellent overall performance, BLS Group won the Frost & Sullivan New Product Innovation Award 2023 in the respiratory PPE sector.


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