Why is wearing a beard a problem while using a respiratory protection device?
The correct fit of a PPE is extremely important in order to get out of it the best performance and serve the purpose for which the device itself has been designed.
If the device does not fit snugly around the face, hazardous airborne agents can enter through the lower sealing edge and be breathed in by the user.
It is therefore essential to follow the proper donning instructions and perform a leak test before entering a contaminated environment.
How to get a good seal on a mask?
A good fit can be achieved only if there is no beard between the equipment and the skin. Beards, sideburns and long moustaches can cause poor fit between PPE and the user's face.
Demanding optimal skin-to-device contact is of primary importance for the correct fit of respiratory protective equipment.
In order to clarify how beards can affect the fit and, consequently, also the safety of the user, the size of a human hair and some harmful substances are compared below.
These substances are significantly smaller in size than the diameter of a human hair.
The evidence on the dimensional ratio indicates that a minimum interference of contact between the face and the sealing edge of the device compromises the effectiveness of the PPE itself.
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