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Partnership | Libus

The strategic partnership between BLS and LIBUS

The strategic collaboration to introduce the most comprehensive line of respiratory protective equipment in South America.

BLS establishes a partnership with LIBUS in Latin America: this collaboration goes beyond the commercial aspect, representing a productive contribution that will bring significant benefits in terms of supply and logistics solutions to the region.


Who is Libus?

LIBUS, the Latin American leader in integrated personal safety solutions for work and everyday life, specialising in personal head protection products, has consolidated its position with a strong presence in the region. With four high-tech industrial plants in Brazil, Mexico, Chile and Argentina, LIBUS has demonstrated sustainable growth and gained international recognition for the quality of its products and services in the hygiene and safety sectors, which has enabled the company to become an internationally recognised brand for the quality of its product lines.


The project

The BLS - LIBUS strategic alliance aims toactively promote BLS, by combining the strengths of both companies, exploiting the existing network and knowledge of LIBUS in all LATAM and Central American countries.

The collaboration between BLS and LIBUS is not just about a commercial project, but aims to position the companies as the most important manufacturers/sellers of PPE across the region and will bring significant benefits in terms of supply/logistics solutions, technical support and market presence.

This strategic alliance will allow our distributors throughout Latin America to have access to a comprehensive range of personal protection products, combining the experience and expertise of both companies. We firmly believe that the combination of LIBUS and BLS will strengthen our ability to offer comprehensive solutions to the growing need for security in the workplace.


Find out more by watching the video presentation of the partnership


Joining forces with a company like LIBUS fills us with pride and responsibility. Being able to reach out to other countries in Latin America, face new challenges and be ready to meet new demands drives us to continue to create, improve and innovate constantly.

We are confident that this collaboration will result in significant benefits for all, improving the quality of life for workers and reaffirming our commitment to excellence in occupational safety.

Stay informed
Stay safe.


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