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Préventica Lyon 2024

BLS is at Préventica Lyon 2024

Lyon (France), October 08th - 10 2024

BLS will participate in the 2024 edition of Préventica Lyon: the event dedicated to information on health, safety and quality of life at work that will take place in Lyon, France, from October 8th to 10th.

Visit us at stand S32 


edificio in cemento marrone vicino al fiume durante il giorno


The Fair

Préventica is the only trade fair on control and safety at work that provides a space to meet and exchange experiences and offers professionals concrete solutions for every work sector.

That is why we recommend not to miss this exceptional event for companies and workers in the industry to get trained, informed and inspired on all topics of health, safety, quality of life and working conditions through 180 continuous conferences over the three days, round tables, keynotes and participative workshops that will provide an overview of current events.

The trade fair will host around 500 exhibitors and offer more than 18,000 square metres of innovation. The Préventica Lyon exhibition offers two large exhibition areas, on the one hand equipment and services for risk prevention and on the other hand advice and support to improve the quality of life in the company and employee engagement.

A festival of innovations and solutions in the service of overall work performance.

The event is free, register now


BLS will be present at stand S32. Come and visit us!

The event will take place at the Eurexpo in Lyon, from October Tuesday 08th to Thursday 10th.


To find out more about Préventica Lyon 


Respiratory protection is serious business.

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BLS FRANCE / 18 Porte du Grand Lyon 01700 Neyron - France
