Scopri gli eventi BLS di questo mese
24-27 ottobre
A+A 2023
Düsseldorf, Germania
stand n. 9B32
BLS will sponsor the street art festival Urban Giants edition 2024, to be held from 7 to 9 June in Trezzano sul Naviglio, Milan.
Urban Giants was born out of the experience of the association We Run the Streets, which decided to create a format through which it aims to raise awareness of street culture in all its forms.
Since the 2022 edition, the Festival has chosen as its location the industrial area of Trezzano sul Naviglio in Via San Cristoforo and the Ugo Tognazzi Party Centre in Via Castoldi. The latter is the core of the organisational and collateral activities. Its 4500 square metre outdoor area is used to set up material distribution areas, workshops and promotional stands. Since 2022, Urban Giants has been collaborating with Grupifh (GRUppo di Promozione Iniziative a Favore dei Portatori di Handicap) through the integration of the graffiti event and the fundraising event organised by the latter called 'Birreficenza'.
The association has promoted free workshops for young people of all ages and the frail under the care of Grupifh, and there will also be performances and live music.
We Run The Streets, also thanks to the collaboration with local associations, intends to increasingly develop street art as a new channel of communication, meeting and sharing.
Every year, some 200 artists from all over the world express their creativity, residents and visitors alike have the opportunity to experience an open-air art gallery, free of charge and accessible at any time of year
BLS will contribute by offering its own masks to the artists to provide them with maximum protection during the festival.
Visit this free open-air exhibition to immerse yourself in three days full of art and street culture events!
June 7th-9th 2024 in Trezzano sul Naviglio, Italy.
Scopri gli eventi BLS di questo mese
24-27 ottobre
A+A 2023
Düsseldorf, Germania
stand n. 9B32
BLS Safety Guide: carrozzeria Guida realizzata dalla monografia redatta dal Dott. Antonio Moffa, dalla Dott.ssa Claudia Beccaria e dall’Ing. Lucrezia Giorgi dell’Unità di Terapie Integrate in Otorinolaringoiatria della Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Campus Bio-Medico di Roma. Il comparto delle autofficine è composto da un elevato numero di aziende, per lo più di tipo artigianale, che […]
BLS è a Intersec 2024 Dubai (Emirates), 16-18 gennaio 2024 BLS è arrivata per la seconda volta a Dubai all'evento internazionale dedicato alla sicurezza e salute, ai servizi di soccorso e alla cybersecurity. Vieni a trovarci. Siamo allo stand 7-E18. La fiera Intersec 2024 quest'anno festeggia 25 anni di presenza nella regione. Questa edizione sarà […]
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via dei Giovi, 41 – 20032 Cormano (MI) - Italia
Capitale Sociale | Share Capital: Euro 600.000,00 i.v.
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Partita IVA | VAT N°: IT12296780153
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BLS FRANCE / 18 Porte du Grand Lyon 01700 Neyron - France