Our mission is to care about your breath, our vision to combine Human Tech with Human Touch... You just feel free to breathe.
The individual particles differ widely in size, shape, chemical composition and formation process.
Mists are microscopic droplets that are formed by processes of atomisation and condensation. Dusts are formed when a solid material is broken down into tiny fragments. Fumes are formed when a material that at ambient temperature and pressure is in a solid state (e.g. a metal) is vaporised by high heat. The vapour cools quickly, condensing into extremely fine particles.
Within this range, atmospheric dust can be divided into:
Among solid particles, INAIL (Italian National Institute for Insurance against Accidents at Work) identifies three types of substances, differentiating them as follows:
- fumes resulting from condensation, combustion and vaporisation processes, which have a different composition from the source material and dimensions of less than a micron;
- dusts originating from the mechanical action on a solid body (grinding, cutting, polishing, etc.) and generally having a composition similar to the source material, or derived from processes of crystallisation of supersaturated vapours or gas-particle conversion processes;
- fibres, of natural or synthetic origin, consisting of elongated particles whose length is at least three times their diameter. The Who (World health organisation, 1988) defines fibres as all particles with a length greater than 5 µm and a diameter smaller than 3 µm.
Due to their small size, particulates tend to remain suspended in the air and be breathed in by exposed individuals when not adequately protected.
Possible effects caused by exposure to mists include:
Here are some of the possible acute effects caused by exposure to welding fumes:
Here are some of the possible chronic effects caused by exposure to welding fumes:
To learn more about the risks to respiratory health caused by welding operations read our dedicated article: Health risk work sectors - Welding
Current legislation sets out different conventions depending on whether the risks are to workers or to the general population.
As INAIL mentions in Conoscere il rischio - Altre polveri e fibre (Knowing the risk - Other dust and fibres), in fact, "to prevent or reduce harmful effects on human health and the environment as a whole, legislative decree 155/2010 (as well as the technical standard UNI EN 12341) refers to two conventions, denoted PM10 and PM2.5 respectively, where PM stands for particulate matter and the numerical values in-dicate the aerodynamic diameter of the particles (in µm) for a penetration efficiency of 50%".
The conventional PM10 curve is very similar to the conventional thoracic curve, whereas the PM2.5 curve represents a very fine fraction, which is considered to be able to reach the pulmonary alveoli in the case of the population consisting of children or infirm adults (the group considered 'high risk'). The limit values for human health, defined for PM10 and PM2.5, are set out in the same legislative decree (and subsequent updates), and represent much more restrictive conditions than those allowed for exposure in the workplace.
Our mission is to care about your breath, our vision to combine Human Tech with Human Touch... You just feel free to breathe.
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