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Champions in safety | Indonesian Grand Prix

Did you also cheer for Yamaha Motor Racing?

Sunday 6 March 2022


Monster Energy Yamaha MotoGP Team just opened the 2022 season with the first race in Qatar!


It was the only race to take place at night, a perfect setting to open the 2022 season, with our champions Fabio Quartararo and Franco Morbidelli who stood out for their determination and courage.




The race

It was a difficult race in the opinion of both riders and Team Director Massimo Meregalli.

"Both riders experienced unusually high tyre pressure almost immediately from the beginning of the race" explains Meregalli, expressing disappointment for the conditions that holded riders from competing to the best of their ability.





Despite this defeat, which resulted in Monster Energy Yamaha MotoGP obtaining 9th and 11th places in the opening round of the season, riders are not discouraged and are already looking forward to the next round in Indonesia:

"We go to Mandalika with the same energy as always, we will try to do a good job there, and then we‘ll see where we'll stand there" states Franco Morbidelli with determination.


Also BLS is looking forward to the second round of the MotoGP paddock for the Indonesian Grand Prix in a couple of weeks.


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On the front line for safety.


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