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BLS loves Art 2022

Today we would like to show you some images of the artist Prosa Bang in action during the creation of some of his latest works.


Born in '85, Marco Prosa has been working in the world of Street Art on commission since 2004 and he is part of the internationally known artist collective "We run the streets", a project that has been working since 2014 in the promotion of Street Art and Graffiti for a requalification of the urban areas. They collaborate with institutions, citizens and companies contributing to the spread of positive messages for greater social integration, the fight against criminal organisations and for greater freedom of artistic or cultural expression.


For World Health Day and as experts in respiratory protection, we would like to underline the importance of using PPE to protect against gases and vapours when using spray paints in graffiti.








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Your health matters.




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Partita IVA | VAT N°: IT12296780153
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