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Yamaha VR46 | The Master Camp

Are you familiar with the Yamaha VR46 Master Camp project?

Tavullia, Italy

Now in its 10th edition, The Master Camp is an initiative created in 2016 by Yamaha and VR46 Academy to grow new talents in motorcycling.

VR46 Racing Team is the motorcycling team created by Valentino Rossi to bring out and develop the young promises of Italian motorcycling.

Yamaha is offering young motorcycling talents a unique opportunity: to have Valentino Rossi and the VR46 Academy riders as instructors for five days.



For Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. and VR46, this is a heartfelt project with the shared goal of helping young racing talent. BLS has also always invested in the training of young talent, pursuing partnerships and triggering virtuous processes of quality and innovation.

In 2016, the two-year Yamaha VR46 Master Camp five-day training programme started in Tavullia, not far from the Misano circuit in San Marino. In 2017, the two companies also launched the VR46 Junior Team project, to enable Master Camp recruits and Yamaha bLU cRU riders to gain further racing experience in Europe. This year, the Yamaha VR46 Master Camp project is reaching new heights with its debut in the Moto2 World Championship.



Being Monster Energy Yamaha MotoGP team's official partner, BLS supplied the entire Yamaha VR46 Master Camp team with protective face masks to combat the Covid-19 pandemic.

In the photos, we see them wearing our BLS 512 FFP2 NR Yamaha ed. filtering face masks while working safely.



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