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Product focus | New BLS Zer0

BLS Zer0 filtering masks change face

Maximum protection meets sustainability


The protection of an FFP3 with the breathing resistance of an FFP1.

BLS Zer0 series cupped filtering masks, with FFP3 protection, are one of the main products in the BLS range. With or without an Aeolus exhalation valve, with or without carbons and with welded or sliding elastics, the masks in this series protect against dust, mists and fumes.


New inner support fabric

The new inner support material, in white colour and carefully selected for greater sustainability, allows greater comfort on contact with the face, thanks to its increased lightness. The softness of the new fabric, in fact, makes it more pleasant to the touch and gives the filtering facepiece better adaptability to the face, slightly decreasing its rigidity. The facepiece is therefore more comfortable to wear, even for prolonged periods, while maintaining its filtering capacity intact.

Nano Filtration

All models in the BLS Zer0 series have been tested for nanoparticle protection.

The EPI4Nano project, promoted by BLS and carried out over the two-year period 2021/2022 by the Itene Research Institute, based in Valencia (ES), had as its main objective the development, optimisation and validation of specific BLS products for effective respiratory protection against these particles, including carbon nanofibres and metal oxides.

Itene's study showed that the filtering materials of the selected BLS devices, including the BLS Zer0 series as filtering facepieces, filter more than 99% of these nanoparticles
- depending on the model and substance selected - and are to date the only ones on the market to have this certification.



Which model to choose from this series?

The BLS Zer0 series is available in eight different models, which share the same technical features but differ in certain aspects:


BLS Zer0 30 NV

FFP3 protection

Without Eolo exhalation valve, with welded elastics, partial inner gasket and without activated carbon.

BLS Zer0 30

FFP3 protection

With Eolo exhalation valve, welded elastics, partial inner gasket and without activated carbon.

BLS Zer0 30 C

FFP3 protection

With Eolo exhalation valve, welded elastics, partial inner gasket and activated carbon.


BLS Zer0 31

FFP3 protection

With Eolo exhalation valve, welded elastics, complete inner gasket and without activated carbon.


BLS Zer0 31 C

FFP3 protection

With Eolo exhalation valve, welded elastics, complete inner gasket and activated carbon.


BLS Zer0 32

FFP3 protection

With Eolo exhalation valve, continuous elastics, complete inner gasket and without activated carbon.


BLS Zer0 32 C

FFP3 protection

With Eolo exhalation valve, continuous elastics, complete inner gasket and activated carbon.


BLS Zer0 32 C Flame Retardant

FFP3 protection

With Eolo exhalation valve, continuous elastics, complete inner gasket, activated carbon and flame retardant layer.


All models in this series have an anatomical shape, which adapts to different physiognomies and allows easy donning, an outer Armor protective layer, which protects the filter material from dirt, dust and liquids, preserving and prolonging its filtering efficiency, and an inner nose clip, located between the layers of filter material, which adapts optimally to the profile of the nose and eyes, guaranteeing good visibility and a good visibility of the eyes. nose and eyes ensuring good visibility and maximum compatibility with glasses.

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