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Safety Expo 2022

BLS is at Safety Expo 2022

Bergamo (Italy), September 21st-22nd 2022

The reference event in Italy for occupational health and safety and fire prevention is back.

This 5th edition with its 16,000 sq.m. of exhibition space is packed with conferences, round tables, in-depth studies, training courses, shows, products, services and technologies.

Come and visit us. We are at booth A 39-40.



The exhibition

The exhibition space of the trade fair has been extended and more than 120 different events are planned. The Italian Safety Expo trade fair is free admission with registration required and has always presented itself to the public with the objectives of:

  • Disseminating new content and perspectives
  • Encourage the exchange of ideas, useful reflections and creative insights
  • Propose accredited training programmes
  • Promote a safety culture
  • Present solutions from the most dynamic companies in the various sectors

All the best experts in occupational health and safety will be present and it has always been a must-attend event for everyone in the industry.

This year there is an increasing number of exhibitors, with a total of 270 companies: 150 in the occupational safety pavilion and 120 for fire prevention. This is 20 more than last year's edition and is an extraordinary opportunity for every company to exhibit its technological solutions and for all safety professionals and operators to obtain training credits through conferences, round tables and training courses.

Read more about all the events scheduled for this month in our article: BLS What'snext.



Scheduled events

One of the unmissable events of this edition will be held on Thursday 22nd of September from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., at the conference presented by Assosistema Confindustria: 'PPE from the health emergency to today'.

During this conference there will be a discussion on what has changed in the market, in regulations and what are the concrete proposals to improve the use of PPE. Participants will include PierPaolo Zani, our CEO, who will speak during the Round Table scheduled from 10.30 a.m. onwards.

The event will be held in the Sala Caravaggio and has a total of 440 seats with free admission, subject to availability.

The conference will start from the health emergency of the last two years due to the Covid pandemic, in relation to the issue of PPE procurement and use, to arrive at today, with the criticalities that still remain and proposals on what still needs to be done at the regulatory level for the sector.
The analysis will focus in particular on the changes that have taken place in the market, the response given by companies and the work of the government, while also providing a snapshot of the trend of accidents in the workplace.



  • Moderator:

    Lorenzo Fantini, labour lawyer, expert in prevention policies, occupational health and safety consultant

  • Intervengono:

    Claudio Galbiati, President of the Safety section of Assosistema Confindustria; Egidio Paoletti, President of Assosistema Confindustria; Franco Bettoni, President of INAIL; Sen. Gianmauro Dell'Olio, Movimento 5S, Budget Commission; Hon. Maria Teresa Baldini, Coraggio Italia, Social Affairs Commission; Pierpaolo Zani, BLS Group; Fabrizio Benedetti, General Coordinator CONTARP INAIL; Tommaso MORANDIN, Dolomiticert.



Chart the path to the future with us.

Come to Safety Expo 2022.

Safety Expo can be visited from Wednesday 21 September to Thursday 22nd of September, from 8.15 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Come and visit us, we are waiting for you.
Respiratory protection is serious business.

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