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BLS loves Art 2021



SMOE, who brought hip-hop culture on the walls of big metropolis, has recently realized in Milan NECESSE, a mural of 1,300 square meters that represents a tribute to the figures that have been at the centre of the society's change during these last years: the common people, the humble, the simple, the workers.

The work collects a changing humanity, with attention also to the most sensitive issues such as respect for the environment, alienation, volunteering, new technologies, the third age.

The project has been shared by Fondazione di Comunità Milano Onlus that has established the Fondo Solidale Necesse, aimed at collecting the support of citizens and companies interested in enhancing their territory.




BLS lines up alongside the city of Milan supporting the urban, cultural and social redevelopment project CORBA, dedicated to 2026 Milan-Cortina Winter Olympics, which has the main objective of transforming the historic district of Milan - the Villaggio dei Fiori, in the Lorenteggio area - in a unique contemporary public art district.Specifically, the work of Stefania Marchetto, in art SteReal - Milanese artist born in 1987 and among the references of female urban art, as well as BLS testimonial since several years now, is dedicated to figure skating on ice, a discipline directly related to the female figure, often at the centre of the artist's works, which emphasizes the elegance and intensity of women in the sports and competitive field.




This mural, supported by BLS and signed again by Stefania Marchetto, in art SteReal, is located next to the ticet office of the south curve of the San Siro stadium, near the mural of Ibrahimovic and Lukaku, also by SteReal.

This time, however, the subject is a pregnant woman, holding a ball in her hand, together with the words that give the work its title, "Freedom to choose". This is the message that the artist wants to convey, which is the freedom for every woman to become mothers without the fear of having to give up her passions and work.

The decision not to give a precise and defined face to the woman depicted is linked to the intention to address it to all women universally, so that no one of them has to choose what to give up.










BLS loves Art column was created precisely to support young artists and tell of their commitment and experiences, which of course always take place in maximum respiratory safety.

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