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Sailing into the future

Sailing into the future

The event on innovation, sustainability and respiratory safety with Giovanni Soldini


On 6 June, the event organised by BLS in collaboration with partner Unigum, dedicated to the future, took place in Viareggio. A future that, before our health, must be based on the health of our planet.


Today, more than ever, investing in environmental health means investing in our very survival. A healthy environment is not just a pleasant backdrop for our existence, but at the heart of every aspect of our daily lives and the global economy. Natural resources, crucial for human survival, are also crucial for business growth. This is especially clear to those who work in shipbuilding, sector to which the event was mainly dedicated.

Those who work closely with the sea know how crucial biodiversity and intact ecosystems are to maintaining the balance of our planet. This awareness should make us reflect on the importance of talking about innovation and sustainable development.

Environmental protection is not an option, but an absolute necessity.

This commitment requires vision, innovation and concrete action, but the benefits are inestimable, both for us and for future generations.

To embark on this virtuous path, BLS is inspired by pioneers of sustainable innovation, capable of offering valuable advice based on concrete experiences, such as our partner Giovanni Soldini.


The renowned ocean sailing champion was the guest of honour at the event and shared anecdotes and stories about his commitment to saving the marine environment.

One of the experiences recounted was a crossing with his full electric trimaran, explaining that it is possible to cross oceans with minimal environmental impact, harnessing clean, renewable energy. This feat is not just a sporting record, but a powerful message to the business world: technological innovation can go hand in hand with respect for the environment. Furthermore, Soldini told of the round-the-world voyages he and his crew made to collect crucial data on the health of the seas, thus contributing to scientific research and environmental awareness. His role as an ambassador for the preservation of the oceans shows how companies can combine passion for their work with responsibility towards the planet.

Giovanni Soldini is an example of entrepreneurial success not only because of his talent and experience, but also because of his focus on innovation and his commitment to the safety of the environment and the people he works with.
Engaging Soldini was crucial for us, as his approach to innovation, which combines performance and sustainability, is a model for companies that aspire to be competitive without compromising the integrity of the environment. His vision and achievements are a reference point for anyone who wants to do business in a way that is conscious and respectful of the world we live in.

In addition to Mr Soldini's speech, the event covered topics related to occupational regulations and safety together with lawyer Claudia Del Re, who explained the importance of individual protection in the workplace and all the laws protecting workers, especially maritime workers.



BLS also showcased how the company believes in and invests in the values of innovation and sustainability through its range of sustainable products that concretely contribute to real change, because the time has come whenthinking different is not enough, we must also act different to protect our health and that of our planet.

We sincerely thank our partner Unigum, a leading distributor of personal protective equipment, for its important contribution to the organisation of this significant event, which encapsulated the values of innovation, sustainability and safety.



Stay informed

Stay safe.


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