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BLS Articles | How does PPE begin?

Dealing with residual risk: PPE

In the working environment, risks and hazards must be managed with protocols designed to minimise them.

The employer must assess all risks in the company to ensure that each risk factor can be eliminated or, if not possible, minimised.


How to deal with residual risk?

Residual Risk is the risk that remains after the application of the prevention and protection measures adopted by the employer, the latter being considered as actions to reduce the Initial Risk.

In presence of Residual Risk, the law requires the use of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)

Within the law, "PPE" is understood to be any device or product intended to be worn or held by a person so that they are protected against one or more risks that could endanger their health and safety.



Personal protective equipment differs mainly according to the type of protection provided: protection for the respiratory tract, eyes, hands, etc.

However, each piece of PPE has specific minimum requirements and obligations, both for the employer and the worker.

It is in the field of Personal Protective Equipment that BLS comes to your side, to protect you while you do the most important thing there is: breathing.


Stay informed, stay safe.


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