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CVTà 2024

BLS is a sponsor of Cvtà 2024

Civitacampomarano (Campobasso), June 14th-16th 2024

BLS will be a sponsor of the Cvtà edition 2024 street art festival, to be held from  June 14th to 16th in Civitacampomarano, Molise.


Alice Pasquini a Civitacampomarano

The festival

Cvtà is the festival that represents how the languages of street art conquer and redesign the urban landscape of a picturesque corner of Molise, the village of Civitacampomarano in the province of Campobasso, making the streets of the village the backdrop for the CVTà - Street Fest.

The festival is the result of a meeting between Alice Pasquini, aka AliCè, and the Pro Loco 'Vincenzo Cuoco' of Civitacampomarano to have the artist paint the walls of the now almost completely deserted historic centre. Alice creates a series of pictorial interventions, taking inspiration from period photographs of village life, to pay homage to Civitacampomarano's past.

"I have painted on old doors, to remember what is now gone""" the artist explains -;many beautiful houses are now empty, the depopulation has been enormous and Civitacampomarano today has just over four hundred inhabitants".

The art project involves the entire village: the inhabitants of the village adopt the artist and his works become a source of pride and a starting point for a rediscovery and enhancement of the ancient centre. Street art in Civitacampomarano does not go unnoticed and attracts the interest of the national press and television, consolidating a bond that over time has transformed into the idea of this Festival.


The artists are invited to perform their work on the skin of the ancient village during the days of the event, working in close contact with the local inhabitants. The result will be a choral proposal able to offer, both to those who pass daily through those streets and to visitors, the possibility of looking at the old, time-worn walls with a whole new gaze, born of the community's cooperation with the guest artists.

BLS will contribute by providing its own masks to the artists to ensure their maximum protection during the festival.

Visit this special hamlet to immerse yourself in an evocative landscape rich in art and tradition!

 June 14th-16th 2024 in Civitacampomarano (CB).

Come and visit us, we are waiting for you.

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